Why Styling Is Essential (And Not Frivolous)

Why Styling Is Essential (And Not Frivolous)

There is a reason we follow influencers, flip through interior magazines and pine after envious homes on the telly. 

We love to aspire to something greater.

We also say - “God, my partner would ruin that in minutes” or “The kids would destroy that white kitchen with their grubby paws” and “Can you imagine what Sparky would do to that sofa?!”

We like it just out of reach because it looks like so much work to keep things so perfect, so tidy – so styled.

In fact, in this new post-pandemic era, there has been a shift towards effortlessness in fashion and interiors and “styled” can mean something that’s trying too hard, something that’s too difficult to live with - perhaps even something contrived.

This is where I must protest.

Styling is what brings a home to life. It adds character, a sense of the lived-in – it transforms four walls from a box to somewhere you can imagine children playing and adults conversing, quiet evenings spent or busy mornings had…

Every project I design at Eilish Rickard Interiors isn’t considered complete until we do the last photographs and style our clients’ homes. 

You can have the most luxurious marble-clad bathroom or solid wood panelled kitchen with a gleaming range, but it will fall flat on glossy pages and in real life if it has no items, no life to it.

Every space should hint at the kind of life that occupies it, the kind of people that move through it, what they care about, what they do in their spare time, what they value and don’t.

Now that we’ve firmly established that, I hope you’ll understand my reason for launching Dwell - to help you add those finishing touches to your house that can often be trickier to achieve than choosing paint colour or the sofa you want!

All these items have been considered for the classic-contemporary home, for your coffee table, console and mantel. All the items have a timelessness and organic nature without being rustic. They will help bring your home to life, and we’re here to show you how.

Stay tuned on the Eilish Edit newsletter to get all our styling guides and latest product releases, and follow along at @eilishrickardinteriors on Instagram.

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